Right now I am reading Nickel and Dime by one of my favorite authors Gary Soto. This book is about three guys who struggle in their lifes as immigrants. One named Silver Mendez is struggling with his poetry,before he was really good at it and his poetry was well known but now hes old and is now struggling to find a nice place to sleep and most importantly some money!Then a man named Roberto was in a dead end job in a bank as a security guard but then one day his boss told him that he had a chance out there and shouldn't be working in the bank for the rest of his life so now with a check that supposedly carries thousands of dollars to help him out and look for a career he goes home and his roommate tells him he cant stay with him no more and kicks him out the house Roberto tells him he has a check to help him with the rent but it only has 300 hundred dollars. So now Roberto is in a crucial situation and ends up going homeless, selling Christmas wreaths to a fancy neighborhood, and the other guy named Gustavo who was Roberto's old colleague, is about to retire and lives alone in his house until one of his friends was deported by la migra and left his dog named flaco, unfortunately he cant keep any dogs were hes currently living at...and then besides the dirty dog now at his house and the landlord complaining that Gustavo can't have a dog in his house, Roberto decides that he wants to move in with Gus and so he does and now Gus is having trouble to get over the last two weeks he has for working at his job as a security guard in a bank..this relates to me because my parents are also struggling to support an eight member family and currently have no jobs.I think that life for immigrants are really hard and they struggle alot and I'm really into the rights of immigrants and stuff like that...and that's really all I'm reading right now and how that relates to me and my family.